Mogudu is Tapsee's first big film as main heroine in Telugu. Though she acted in biggies like Mr.Perfect and Veera, she played second fiddle to Kajal in those. She pines hopes on this Krishnavamsi directed movie, as the director is known for giving new lease of life to actresses. Remember Charmee shot to fame with his film - Sri Anjaneyam and then Kajal with his Chandamama. Actresses say he extracts the best from them. He also shows heroines in glamorous way.
That is why Tapsee is gung ho about Mogudu. Will her dreams of joining the top league of actresses in Telugu come true after the release? Let's wait and see. The movie is hitting the screens on November 4, 2011.
That is why Tapsee is gung ho about Mogudu. Will her dreams of joining the top league of actresses in Telugu come true after the release? Let's wait and see. The movie is hitting the screens on November 4, 2011.
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