Nandamuri Balakrishna’s latest mythological movie Sri Rama Rajyam is going to complete its 50 days run soon. The makers of the film are planning to hold the 50 days function of the film on January 5 at Vijayawada. However, the venue of the event is not yet finalized. It is heard that the makers are considering PWD Grounds as the venue for this grand gala event.
The film released on November 17 received critical acclaims for artists performance and wonderful visuals. Director Bapu handled the movie very well and has put in all his efforts to bring the grand look for this film. Recently, the movie was screened at Goa’s 42nd International Film Festival of India and received appreciation from its jury members for its rich production values.
The film is produced by Yalamanchili Saibaba under Sri Saibaba Movies banner. MaestroIlayaraja has scored the music for the film. Interestingly, Mahesh’s Dookudu 50 days function was also held in Vijayawada.
The film released on November 17 received critical acclaims for artists performance and wonderful visuals. Director Bapu handled the movie very well and has put in all his efforts to bring the grand look for this film. Recently, the movie was screened at Goa’s 42nd International Film Festival of India and received appreciation from its jury members for its rich production values.
The film is produced by Yalamanchili Saibaba under Sri Saibaba Movies banner. MaestroIlayaraja has scored the music for the film. Interestingly, Mahesh’s Dookudu 50 days function was also held in Vijayawada.
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