Ram Charan Tej is all set to make his debut in the Hindi cinema industry. Ram Charan will be seen in Prakash Mehra Productions’ remake of the 1973 classic Zanjeer. The Megapowerstar will essay the role played by Amitabh Bachchan in the original.
Talking about the Apoorva Lakhia directed film and co-produced by Prakash Mehra’s son Amit and Ram Mirchandani of Eros, a source close to the project told , “The 27-year-old Ram Charan is already a youth icon in the south Indian film industry. His film Magadheera has become one of the biggest hits of all times in the Telugu industry. In his five year long film career, Ram Charan has done just five films and is known to be extremely choosy. He has finally decided to work on the remake of Zanjeer, which will go on floors in the next couple of months.”
Ram Charan’s business manager confirmed the news and added, “He has given his nod to the project. However, we would like the producers to make the official announcement for the project.
Ram Charan’s business manager confirmed the news and added, “He has given his nod to the project. However, we would like the producers to make the official announcement for the project.
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